Dr. Kumar Nilotpal

Dr. Kumar Nilotpal

Dr. Kumar Nilotpal is a BDS, MDS (pedodontics and preventive dentistry) from Dr. MGR University, Chennai. He graduated in the year 2012, followed by a post-graduation in 2012 from Kothiwal Dental College and research centre, Moradabad, (UP). He has a keen interest in pediatric endodontics & behavior management. He has attended many national and international conferences and hands-on courses and published many articles.Best Orthodontic Treatment in Greater Noida West


Preventive and interceptive orthodontics:- Preventive Orthodontic treatment is used to prevent and correct bite irregularities. Orthodontic irregularities may present at birth or develop during toddlerhood or early childhood. Crooked teeth hamper self-esteem, hence implementation of early strategies not only prevents the potential derangement of teeth but also helps the children’s overall development.

Pediatric endodontics and rotary endodontics:- Pediatric-endodontics is an expanding part of pediatric dental practice. Emphasis is centered on the retention of diseased primary teeth until the normal exfoliation time. The preservation of vitality in young permanent teeth via pulp capping and pulpotomy is paramount until root formation is completed. Endodontic treatment in primary teeth can be challenging and time-consuming, especially during canal preparation, which is considered one of the most important steps in root canal therapy. The conventional instrumentation technique for primary teeth remains the “gold standard” over hand instrumentation, which makes procedures much more time-consuming and adversely affects both clinicians and patients. Although the manual preparation techniques still remain the standard measure of biomechanical preparation, it has certain shortcomings such as several iatrogenic errors including lodging, zipping, canal transportation, and apical blockage. [9] The nickel-titanium (NiTi) rotary instruments came into existence in the field of endodontics to overcome these shortcomings of conventional manual file systems and have presented the desired outcome with their efficient cleaning of the root canal maintaining the original canal space during the BMP procedure. However, the bizarre root canal morphology and thinner root dentin limited the use of rotary endodontics in primary teeth. To overcome such barriers, various modified protocols have been introduced to prevent any undesirable complications. The preservation of vitality in young permanent teeth via pulp capping and pulpotomy is paramount until root formation is completed.

Surgical management of maxillofacial pathology :- Treatment options for jaw tumors and cysts vary, depending on the type of lesion you have, the lesion’s stage of growth, and symptoms. The treatment team considers and formulates treatment goals. Treatment of jaw tumors and cysts involves specialized surgical care. In some cases, treatment may be a combination of surgical and medical therapy. Surgery is aimed at the removal of jaw tumors or cysts, which may include extraction of nearby teeth, and tissues and resection of either jaw, followed by reconstruction of the removed parts. A pathologist examines the removed tissue and reports a diagnosis during the procedure so that the surgeon can act on this information immediately. Supportive care helps to maintain quality of life and rehabilitation for missing teeth. Long follow-up exams after treatment can address any recurrence of jaw tumors and cysts early.

Management of Traumatic in Juries:- Traumatic dental injuries are a public dental health problem worldwide and can occur at any time in life. Various interventions and treatment options are available, depending on the specific traumatic injury sustained, but the fact is, that every trauma is a unique case, which requires specific diagnosis and treatment. The International Association of Dental Traumatology reports that one in every two children sustains a dental injury, most often between the age of 8-12 years. Although the oral region comprises a small part of 1% of the total body area, 5% of all bodily injuries are oral traumatic injuries. Traumatic dental injuries tend to occur in childhood or at a young age during which growth and development take place. It has been reported that anterior teeth, especially the maxillary central and lateral incisors are predominantly affected by traumatic dental injuries for both primary and permanent dentitions. Traumatic dental injuries generally affect a single tooth except for certain trauma events, such as traffic accidents, violence, and sports injuries, which result in multiple tooth damage. Pain treatment and prevention of teeth gums must be our main goal in the treatment strategy of the traumatized tooth. In the overall treatment, teeth must be followed up clinically and radiographically in the long run.

Managing Children With Special Health Care Needs:- The dental condition of children with special health care needs (SHCN) may be directly or indirectly related to their disabilities. Children with SHCN relatively have poor oral hygiene and an increased prevalence of gingival diseases and dental caries. Unfortunately, the importance of dental care for these children has often been overlooked by health planners. Parents of disabled children usually do not seek dental treatment as they also have the burden of medical treatment. In the past, the emphasis was based on providing basic dental care, but in recent years, the dental profession has shown increased concern in providing complete oral health care to mentally or physically challenged children. The specialty of pediatric dentistry provides both primary and comprehensive, preventive and therapeutic oral health care to children with SHCN. Dental diseases and their treatment present several problems in this group of patients. These children may not understand or assume responsibility for preventive oral health practices. Many caregivers do not practice appropriate oral hygiene or choose a proper diet. They usually do not seek dental treatment. Moreover, the importance of dental care for these children has often been overlooked by health planners. The pedodontist gives these children an opportunity to achieve appropriate rehabilitation, to enable them to realize their maximal level of functioning, and to assist them in not only normalizing their lives but also lengthening their life span.Best Orthodontic Treatment in Greater Noida West